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Flood Prevention in Suburban Chicago

Flood Prevention in Suburban Chicago

  • Plumbing

Are You Ready for the Rain?


Living in an area with scattered and unpredictable weather can be tough. One day it’s raining non-stop, the next it’s snowing and freezing. That’s the reality for all of us here in Suburban Chicago and, because of that, Lake Cook Plumbing wants you to be prepared for whatever the elements throw at you.

Here in Chicago, we get a two-for-one: Not only do we have to deal with snow melting, but we also have to endure heavy rainfall. And the season where that rain is most prevalent is on the rise.

The spring season is well known for bringing risks of flood to the forefront. That’s why we’re here to fill you on flood information, specifically for this region, and let you know how to be protected against it.

Illinois’ Flood Risk

We don’t want to get you thinking that floods only happen in the spring. It just happens to be that that’s when they are most common. The truth of the matter is that floods can occur any time of year from a number of different things.

Illinois is most at risk for:

  1. Flash flooding: When a dry area is quickly overcome with an extreme flow of high water, flash flooding occurs.
  2. River flooding: An overabundance of rainfall will cause the river levels to risk and overflow their banks.
  3. Coastal flooding: No matter what time of year, an ocean storm can bring heavy precipitation to the shore. This prolonged rain can cause flooding in coastal areas.
  4. Ice debris/jams: If a river or stream is blocked by a build-up of ice or other debris, you will notice an increase in water levels.
  5. Snow melt: When temperatures warm up in the spring, especially if there’s been a lot of snow fall in months prior, the snow will begin to melt and fast! When that water runs into nearby streams and rivers, they can rise and overflow.
  6. Dam breaks: These are often caused by water toppling over the structure or excessive seepage through the ground. The dangerous part about dam breaks is that they can happen with little to no warning.

How Severe is Your Situation?

When you hear the news station say that you are in a “flood warning” or under a “flood watch,” do you know what those phrases actually mean? The difference is significant, and we want to educate you on exactly what you’re dealing with.

  1. Flood advisory: The least destructive of the warnings, a flood advisory is issued when the flooding is not expected to be severe, but should still be in the back of your mind.
  2. Flood watch: When flooding is likely to occur, you’ll want to be on the lookout for these conditions and be prepared just in case!
  3. Flood warning: In many cases, you’ll know ahead of time if you’re in a flood warning, as flooding will already be occurring.
  4. Flash flood warning: This type of flood happens very quickly so it’s vital that you move to higher ground immediately.


Knowing what these differences mean will help better prepare you if heavy rainfall here in Suburban Chicago ever turns into a flood. But, if you feel as though you need additional preparation, don’t hesitate to call Lake Cook Plumbing today!

By zachadmachinescom

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