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Eight Signs That You Need Water Conditioning

Eight Signs That You Need Water Conditioning

  • Plumbing
Water Conditioning

When considering your home’s plumbing, there’s one appliance that can improve the quality of your pipes and drinking water. Depending on where you live, your home may be running on hard water, which is full of minerals and sediment. A water softener helps to remove mineral deposits that can take a toll on your plumbing and your skin. Hard water is more than a strain on your plumbing, it can stain your appliances, and damage your water heater. Luckily a water softener helps to protect your plumbing and your drinking water.

When It’s Time to Start Your Water Conditioning

Hard water can take a serious toll on your plumbing. Mineral deposits can settle in your pipes and water appliances, making it difficult for water to flow through, or worse, clog your plumbing entirely. Hard water also makes it hard for soap to properly dissolve which results in soap scum and irritated skin. A water softener works by taking out the harmful calcium and magnesium ions that are responsible for causing problems and replacing them with sodium or potassium ions. If you suspect your home needs water conditioning, here are eight signs to watch out for.

  • Scale buildup on your appliances. If your home is running on hard water, then you can find mineral deposits just about anywhere that uses water. The calcium and magnesium that’s in hard water can build up and block water from passing through. Watch out for a chalky hard substance that builds up on appliances like your coffee-maker or dishwasher.
  • Dry and irritated skin. The minerals in hard water work to dry out your skin, by preventing soaps and shampoos from dissolving off your skin. Instead, they leave a residue that leaves your skin feeling itchy, dry, and rough. Hard water also blocks pores which causes acne.
  • Gray and faded clothes. A home without water conditioning can also take a toll on your laundry. Hard water can leave your clothes looking faded and feeling scratchy. Soap doesn’t dissolve well in hard water either, which makes it difficult to properly clean your clothes. There are some water softening detergents, but the best way to protect your clothes is by installing a water softener.
  • Sink and bathtub stains. Stains can start to appear in your sinks and bathtub when enough tap water sits and dissolves, leaving a mineral deposit behind. These stains can be cleaned with vinegar, bleach, or dishwasher detergent, but it’s not a permanent solution, and you’ll be scrubbing those stains again eventually. A water softener is the best way to permanently remove stains that can form from hard water deposits.
  • Frequent plumbing repairs. If you notice the plumber is visiting your home more often than usual, it could be a number of problems. It’s important to remember, however, that hard water can significantly damage your plumbing. Mineral deposits prevent water from flowing through, or valves from shutting completely which can lead to leaks.
  • Expensive water bills. Hard water puts a lot of strain on your pipes, making your plumbing work harder to do its job. The result can be higher water bills. Some homes have harder water than others, which is why it’s a good idea to have your water utility company test your water first to determine if it needs chemicals added or a water softener.
  • Brittle, fragile glassware. Water stains on your glasses is an annoying pain, but it can also wear down on your glassware. One solution for removing water stains involves letting your dishes soak in vinegar and water, but without a water softener, you would have to do that every time.
  • Poor water quality. Unless you use a water filtration system, you might notice that your drinking water has an odor, odd taste, or grainy texture to it. That’s due to all the minerals that sit in hard water. Without water conditioning, your drinking water can have a rotten egg smell to it, or taste metallic, or even look a little murky. Installing a water softener can greatly improve your quality of life by improving your home’s water quality.

Your Home Deserves Better Water

Taking care of your plumbing can be hard enough without having to deal with hard water. The good news is that all it takes is installing a water softener for you to protect your plumbing and enjoy better water. No homeowner wants cloudy, sediment-filled water. Don’t wait to call a plumber today to drastically improve your home’s water quality.

Call the professionals at Lake Cook Plumbing to schedule your home water conditioning service!

By zachadmachinescom

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